

Coming over from Goodreads, dipping a toe in the waters over here.

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Currently reading

Fish & Chips
Abigail Roux, Madeleine Urban
Progress: 26 %
Sharra's Exile - Marion Zimmer Bradley I had to read this one as soon as I finished The Heritage of Hastur. I'm glad I did, as it answered most of the questions burning in my mind at the end of that one. It was a bit slower reading, but every time I picked it back up I was glad I did. It was a little repetitive at times, and I'd find myself thinking, "Wait, didn't I already read that?" And some of the foreshadowing in Lew's point of view was clunky, odd, and never really seemed to go anywhere.But it was satisfying to see the resolution of the Sharra matrix, to see Lew come to terms (sort of) with life as it is now, and especially to see Regis develop more fully into his powers. I loved it and want to read more. However, I'm thinking I should probably stop here, tempting though it is to continue. I still adore Regis oh so very much, and I'd hate to end up wanting to smack him. But Hastur Lord is so tempting... ambivalent? Me?